Looking for work?
Let us Help!
Call (780) 812-6672

Skills assessments to determine which career path is best for you, either Trades or Non-trades.

Learn about careers and tradesĀ  and determine suitability.
Get help registering as an apprentice if a trades path is chosen.

Help with becoming Indentured.
Gain Hands On Training in the Trades through the Tiny Home Project.

A Tutor is available to you any step of the way from the
Entrance Exam to the Red Seal.

Get Support from indenture-ship until you become a Journeyperson. Access loans & grants.

NEAAI not only supports and encourages clients to join the trades and become indentured but also recognizes successful students each year in moving forward to journey-person status.

"NEAAI can help"

Employee & Employment seekers